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From its medieval origins to the present day, Denham Village has a history rich in the spirit of community.  Now today’s technology provides an opportunity to record and preserve that spirit and make it easily accessible. Using a wealth of archive material combined with stories of village residents, the Denham Community History Project works to establish a permanent record devoted to the village’s social history.


The idea is to provide stories of its residents of the long and recent past, their homes, their relationships, their working lives and their community. It will be a rich resource for the interest and amusement of today’s residents and of the many visitors, and a permanent repository of information about the life and character of an English village. The site will be regularly updated with new stories and information about work in hand.

The village’s homes built before 1900 extend from the Blackbarn Cottages on Old Mill Road to Misbourne Cottage by the west end bridge, but the village’s history is bigger than that. Included in the project is everything from Priory Close to Denham Avenue, Ashmead and Cheapside Lane and all the people who have been part of the community.


This project is about a community for a community. So please join in. Tell us your village story. Email us at

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Images the copyright in which is owned by the National Portrait Gallery are published under Creative Commons Licence subject to the usual disclaimers 

© 2019 - 2022 Denham Community History Project

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